Mindfulness classes
Beginner’s Mindfulness
8 week course
April 4th to May 23rd, 2016
Class meets on Mondays from 6:30 to 8:15 pm
Cost: $310 – $270 by March 19th
Class is small. Sign up soon to reserve a space.
Schedule online at https://www.schedulicity.com/scheduling/OCHWKK/workshops
Payment is taken after a brief interview, to ensure the class is a good fit for the student. Contact Laura at 215-545-7040 or laura@acuphilly.com for details.
A current student says: “I highly recommend this class. Laura brings in just the right amount of variety and patient presence. The meditation is simple – anyone can do it- and having a knowledgeable guide makes all the difference.”
Learn how to cope with stress more effectively and to
to enjoy life more fully by developing the ability to be aware of the present moment.
This class is designed for beginners, and to deepen understanding and commitment for those with experience of meditation.
The development of a regular mindfulness practice is supported through homework with guided meditation and simple qi gong exercises.
Participants commit to practicing daily.